Темчин, СергейTemchin, Sergey2022-09-082022-09-082020Темчин С. Церковнославянская Минея общая как собрание исконно календарных гимнов: служба исповеднику / Сергей Темчин // Калофонія: Науковий збірник з історії церковної монодії та гимнографії. - 2020. - Ч. 10. - C. 32-39.https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14570/3270The author argues that the Canon for a Confessor of the Faith attested in the modern Old Church Slavonic General Menaion (Moscow, 2010) is not an original composition, but rather a compilation of Byzantine Greek hymns used in their Old Church Slavonic translation. The hymns were mostly taken from the canons which had been originally compiled for commemoration of St Ephrem the Syrian (28 January: 9 hymns), St Prokopios Dekapolites the Confessor (27 February: 5 hymns), St Charalampos of Magnesia (10 February: 3 hymns), St Basil of Ancyra (22 March: 3 hymns), St Metrophanes of Constantinople (4 June: 3 hymns), St Isidore of Pelusium (4 February: 2 hymns), St Onesimus the Apostle (15 February: 1 hymn), St Bukolus of Smyrna (6 February: 1 hymn), as well as a tetraode from the Pentekostarion (1 hymn) and at least one unknown hymnographic source (4 hymns).ruCanonSlavonic General MenaionConfessor of the FaithЦерковнославянская Минея общая как собрание исконно календарных гимнов: служба исповедникуChurch Slavonic General Menaion as a Collection of Original Calendar Hymns: a Confessor of the FaithArticle