Церковнослов’янське мучеництво святої Теклі з ХІ ст.: до питання особливостей руської редакції апокрифічних діянь святих Павла і Теклі
Сироїд, Дарія
Сироїд, Дарія
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The Church Slavonic translation of the apocryphal Acts of Saint Paul and Thecla (ATh) from the 11th c. is examined in the context of its Greek original and other Church Slavonic ATh texts from later manuscripts. The attention is paid to the specifics of translation (clarity, preciseness, some addition or omitting details) as well to the form: The main text of the ATh is expanded by two (or perhaps three) miracles. These miracles often are added to the text of ATh in Church Slavonic manuscripts from 11th to 18th cc. Such a combination is more typical of the manuscripts that could belong to the Kyiv Metropoly. The question was: what is the origin of these miracles and when they were combined with the text of ATh? Thanks to the newest research of Greek ATh manuscripts, these miracles are been considered as a part of the Greek original that was translated into Church Slavonic.
апокрифічні діяння Павла та Теклі, перекладна література, рукопис, чуда
Сироїд Д. Церковнослов’янське мучеництво святої Теклі з ХІ ст.: до питання особливостей руської редакції апокрифічних діянь святих Павла і Теклі // Ucrainica Mediaevalia 4 (2021) 276–287.