Особистісні чинники схильності студентів до маніпулювання поведінкою викладачів

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dc.contributor.author Горбаль, Ірина
dc.contributor.author Кравчук, Анна
dc.date.accessioned 2019-08-22T12:43:19Z
dc.date.available 2019-08-22T12:43:19Z
dc.date.issued 2016
dc.identifier.citation Горбаль І., Кравчук А. Особистісні чинники схильності студентів до маніпулювання поведінкою викладачів. Вісник Львівського університету. Серія психологічні науки, 2017, 1, 21–28. uk
dc.identifier.uri http://er.ucu.edu.ua/handle/1/1572
dc.description.abstract У статті розкривається зміст феномену маніпуляції та особливості його прояву у процесі педагогічної взаємодії. Проаналізовані основні форми маніпулювання студентів поведінкою викладачів. Встановлено зв’язки особистісних характеристик та схильності до маніпулювання. Зокрема, виявлено, що авторитарність та егоїстичність як риси особистості тісно пов’язані із маніпулюванням через вдавання інтересу до змісту навчального курсу та формування власного позитивного образу в очах викладача. Чимало особистісних рис студентів – відкритість до досвіду, свідомість, альтруїстичність, авторитарність – пов’язані із готовністю йти на заняття, навіть без підготовки, та шукати вихід із ситуації уже під час пари. Дружелюбні та альтруїстичні студенти частіше за інших переживають провину, якщо маніпулюють викладачами. uk
dc.language.iso uk uk
dc.publisher Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка uk
dc.subject маніпуляція uk
dc.subject педагогічна взаємодія uk
dc.subject ставлення до навчання uk
dc.subject вторгнення в особистий простір викладача uk
dc.subject маніпулятивні дії uk
dc.subject особистісні риси uk
dc.title Особистісні чинники схильності студентів до маніпулювання поведінкою викладачів uk
dc.type Article uk
dc.status Публікується вперше uk
dc.subject.udc 159.942.019.4:378-051
dc.subject.udc 159.923-057.875-049.2
dc.description.abstracten The article discloses the meaning of phenomenon of manipulation and its peculiarities in the process of pedagogical interaction. The topic of the discussion is rather important and widely-studied due to the social undesirability and prohibition of the fact of manipulation. Manipulation is meant to be a phenomenon that occurs only in the personal interaction so pedagogical process as the form of such interaction between teachers and students may be a space for manipulative behaviour. However, there is a lack of information about the peculiarities of students’ manipulation by teachers’ behaviour, its aims and specificity according to personal characteristics, although its appearance may seriously impact the process of knowledge transfer. Based on the literature analysis it is stated that manipulation is any kind of hidden influence on another person by which a manipulator gets profit. It may be causes by the need of getting of what the person wants having different motives with the others, as well as by personality predisposition to manipulate with others for some optimal state maintenance. Thus, manipulation is considered not only as a negative phenomenon in person’s behaviour but also as a psychological defense mechanism that occurs as the reaction of the conflicts, both outside and inner. The manipulation in pedagogical process is difficult to identify. For instance, teachers usually thing that the most typical ways students manipulate their behaviour are giving them false explanations of being not ready for the lesson, causing sorrow, asking to let them go away from the seminar due to the cooked-up reason, and cheating, whereas students of the same teachers put cheating on the first stage as the most widespread form of manipulation, together with often used asking to let them go away from the seminar due to the cooked-up reason, showing untrue interest to the course, promising to become better the next semester etc. Students use manipulation with teachers’ behaviour for long-terms aims, like getting good summary mark at the end of the year, and short-term aims, e.g. to pass the exact stage by using minimum of efforts. The sources of influence may also differ; these may be personal teachers’ traits, teachers’ needs of positive emotions or affirmation, inability to defend of psychological pressure, conformism, professional attitudes, mercenary desires etc. The main forms of students’ manipulation by university teachers’ behavior are analyzed as the results of empirical study. The connections between personality characteristics and disposition to manipulate are revealed. In particular, it is found out that authoritarianism and egoism as personality traits are closely related with the manipulation through imitating of the interest to the study course and creation of personal positive perception by the teacher. Altruistic students are using flatteries and compliments more often than others, and friendly students instead are less able to choose this kind of manipulation. On the other hand, both friendly and altruistic students feel guilty more often than others while manipulating by the teacher. Plenty of students’ personality traits, like openness to experience, consciousness, altruism, authoritarianism, are related with the readiness to visit university lessons even being not prepared to it, as well as to look for the way out already during the lesson. Friendliness and consciousness are negatively correlated with the tendency of giving false explanations of the absence during the lesson while students with higher rate of aggressiveness are more likely to do this. Personal traits that make young people obey to others and depend on them make their desirability to prove that the teacher is wrong with the mark if they do not like it weaker. uk

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