Zamość Style Unification: Liturgicon and Euchologion in the Basilian Monasteries of the Lviv Eparchy in Second Half of the 18 th Century

Show simple item record Almes, Ivan 2024-07-26T13:16:05Z 2024-07-26T13:16:05Z 2024-06-30
dc.identifier.citation Almes I. Zamość Style Unification: Liturgicon and Euchologion in the Basilian Monasteries of the Lviv Eparchy in Second Half of the 18 th Century // Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi. Warszawa, 2024, vol. 18, issue 1, p. 167-177. uk
dc.language.iso en uk
dc.subject Київське християнство uk
dc.subject Замойський собор uk
dc.subject василіянські монастирі uk
dc.subject богослужбові книги uk
dc.title Zamość Style Unification: Liturgicon and Euchologion in the Basilian Monasteries of the Lviv Eparchy in Second Half of the 18 th Century uk
dc.type Article uk
dc.status Опублікований і розповсюджений раніше uk
dc.description.abstracten The paper studies the problem of the unification of the liturgical books in the Basilian monasteries of the Lviv eparchy in the second half of the 18th century. Research concentrates on the problem of Zamość council resolution implementation by analyzing the "church books" in the monasteries of Basilians. Investigating the "book lists" from inventory descriptions and protocols of visitations allows to trace changes in the monasteries concerning the "church books" as it was fixed in the documents uk

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