Sentence Simplification in context of Automatic Question Generation

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу Yarish, Dzvenymyra 2024-02-14T16:24:25Z 2024-02-14T16:24:25Z 2019
dc.identifier.citation Yarish, Dzvenymyra. Sentence Simplification in context of Automatic Question Generation / Yarish, Dzvenymyra; Supervisor: Jan Sedivy; Ukrainian Catholic University, Department of Computer Sciences. – Lviv: 2019. – 36 p. uk
dc.language.iso en uk
dc.title Sentence Simplification in context of Automatic Question Generation uk
dc.type Preprint uk
dc.status Публікується вперше uk
dc.description.abstracten Automatic question generation is a promising field of research. Sentence simplifi- cation is a key to the high-quality question generation. In this work we explore the existing sentence simplification approaches, present an valuable extension to the ex- isting sentence simplification datasets and experiment with the latest seq2seq tech- niques. Our model makes use of transfer learning, which to our knowledge, is the first attempt to apply that method to sentence simplification. We evaluate our model against the rule - based approach and a baseline machine learning model and see im- provements in the paraphrasing component of sentence simplification. uk

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