Development of analytical system for sport fencing

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу Smolkin, Oleh 2024-02-14T15:59:10Z 2024-02-14T15:59:10Z 2019
dc.identifier.citation Smolkin, Oleh. Development of analytical system for sport fencing / Smolkin, Oleh; Supervisor: Oles Dobosevych; Ukrainian Catholic University, Department of Computer Sciences. – Lviv: 2019. – 26 p. uk
dc.language.iso en uk
dc.title Development of analytical system for sport fencing uk
dc.type Preprint uk
dc.status Публікується вперше uk
dc.description.abstracten Fencing is an extremely fast sport. 40ms - time that is needed for hit registration. It‘s 10 times faster than a blink of an eye, so it‘s impossible to measure fencer’s progress objectively even for a coach. We are the first who proposed to store and analyze fencers data. Our solution is a small device, which connects to the fencer exactly in the same way as to existing scoring equipment. The device sends information to a smartphone via Bluetooth. Also, it contains a bunch of sensors that allow measuring speed, reaction, and tech- nic of the fencer. All data is gathered in the cloud, so we can process it and provide coach and fencers with analytics. Gamification will make the training process more attractive to children. We alread have a prototype that is actively tested in local fencing clubs. uk

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