Psychological aspects of manipulation within an interpersonal interaction: manipulations and manipulators

Show simple item record Гребінь, Наталія Hrebin, Natalia Shyroka, Anastasiіa Широка, Анастасія 2020-10-08T13:14:02Z 2020-10-08T13:14:02Z 2020
dc.identifier.citation Shyroka A., Hrebin N. Psychological aspects of manipulation within an interpersonal interaction: manipulations and manipulators // Personality in society: psychological mechanisms of activity: collective monograph / N. P. Hapon, S. L. Hrabovska, N. V.Hrebin., etc. – Lviv-Toruń : Liha-Pres, 2020. –160p. ISBN 978-966-397-209-1 DOI uk
dc.identifier.isbn 978-966-397-209-1
dc.language.iso uk uk
dc.publisher Liha-Pres uk
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States *
dc.rights.uri *
dc.subject manipulation uk
dc.subject psychological characteristics uk
dc.subject psychological interaction uk
dc.subject interpersonal relationships uk
dc.title Psychological aspects of manipulation within an interpersonal interaction: manipulations and manipulators uk
dc.type Book chapter uk
dc.status Опублікований і розповсюджений раніше uk
dc.description.abstracten The phenomenon of manipulation has long attracted the attention of scientists – theorists and practitioners in various fields. It still attracts their attention, especially in times of informational outbreak, latest information technologies and industrial development, during rapid technical and technological progress, in times of reorientation of an individual to the market type of interaction and transformation of the individual’s value system. In the light of this agenda, we find it necessary to consider manipulation as a means of hidden control and to outline the key features by which it can be differentiated from other methods of influence; to compare the approaches used by various authors to the understanding of manipulation, and to analyse reasons for the personality development of a modern manipulative person as well as his/her typical psychological characteristics. uk
dc.relation.source Personality in society: psychological mechanisms of activity: collective monograph uk

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