Concept embedding and network analysis of scientific innovations emergence

Show simple item record Brodiuk, Serhii 2020-02-24T15:37:15Z 2020-02-24T15:37:15Z 2020
dc.identifier.citation Brodiuk, Serhii. Concept embedding and network analysis of scientific innovations emergence : Master Thesis : manuscript rights / Serhii Brodiuk ; Supervisor: PhD. Vasyl Palchykov, Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Yurij Holovatch ; Ukrainian Catholic University, Department of Computer Sciences. – Lviv : [s.n.], 2020. – 32 p. : ill. uk
dc.language.iso en uk
dc.subject Concept embedding uk
dc.subject network analysis uk
dc.subject Topological features of concept networks uk
dc.title Concept embedding and network analysis of scientific innovations emergence uk
dc.type Preprint uk
dc.status Публікується вперше uk
dc.description.abstracten Novelty is an inherent part of innovations and discoveries. Such processes may be considered as the appearance of new ideas or as the emergence of atypical connections between existing ones. The importance of such connections hints for investigation of innovations through network or graph representation in the space of ideas. In such representation, a graph node corresponds to the relevant notion (idea), whereas an edge between two nodes means that the corresponding notions have been used in a common context. The question addressed in this research is the possibility to identify the edges between existing concepts where the innovations may emerge. To this end, a well-documented scientific knowledge landscape has been used. Namely, we downloaded 1.2M manuscripts dated starting from April 2007 and until September 2019; and extracted relevant concepts for them using platform. Combining approaches developed in complex networks science and graph embedding the predictability of edges (links) on the scientific knowledge landscape where the innovations may appear is investigated. We argue that the conclusions drawn from this analysis may be used not only to the scientific knowledge analysis but are rather generic and may be applied to any domain that involves creativity within. uk

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